How to Configure Kubernetes Cluster on AWS Cloud using Ansible

Muhammad Tabish Khanday
3 min readJul 27, 2021

In this article, I am going to show you how to configure a Kubernetes Cluster on AWS Cloud using Ansible.

Let’s Start

Step 1: Configure AWS CLI2 SDK

Step 2: Set some environmental variables

Replace AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY with your AWS credentials.

Step 3: Create an Ansible Configuration file

This is an ansible configuration file “ansible.cfg”.

Update the private_key_file with your AWS KeyPair

Step 4: Update variables in the launch_ec2_instances.yml file

Update keypair, image (Use AMI ID of Amazon Linux 2), vpc_subnet_id, security_group_id (SG should allow all ports), region, and output_dir

Step 5: Run launch_ec2_instances.yml playbook

This playbook will provision 4 EC2 Instances on the AWS Cloud. 3 EC2 Instances for worker nodes and 1 EC2 Instance for the master node.

$ vim launch_ec2_instances.yml

Now, check whether instances are launched in AWS Cloud.

Step 6: Download the roles for configuring the master node and worker node.

$ ansible-galaxy install mtabishk.ansible_kubernetes_master_role -p roles/

$ ansible-galaxy install mtabishk.ansible_kubernetes_worker_role -p roles/

Inorder to list the roles:

$ ansible-galaxy list

Step 7: Create a playbook to use these roles

$ vim use_k8s_cluster_roles.yml

Run the playbook:

$ ansible-playbook use_k8s_cluster_roles.yml

Voila !! Your Kubernetes Cluster would be configured on the AWS Cloud and ready to use.

Let’s test the Kubernetes Cluster by running a deployment.

As you can clearly see that the deployment is up and running perfectly fine.

Video Demonstration:


Ansible Galaxy:

That’s all for this article, Hope You learned something from here.

Thanks, everyone for reading. I’ll be back with some new articles very soon, thanks!

Muhammad Tabish Khanday


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